Monday, November 2, 2009

Cashew Chicken

I've tried a few different cashew chicken recipes and this is my favorite.  The chili powder gives the chicken a little kick, but the honey keeps it sweet.  This recipe will feed 2 people for 2 or 3 days.  I'll probably cut the recipe in half the next time I make it.  This will feed about 4 people.

Remember to have all your ingredients prepared before you start cooking.  I used a wok, but a large skillet will work as well.


2 cups uncooked brown rice
4 chicken breasts (about 1 to 1.25 lbs), skinless and boneless, cut into 1 inch cubes
Peanut or Olive Oil
3 Tbs chili powder
1/2 cup Tamari (you can use soy sauce as a substitute)
1/2 cup honey
2 cups raw cashews
3 cups chopped onions
3 cups chopped mushrooms


Prepare rice as directed on package

Marinate the chicken
Place the chicken cubes in a large bowl.  Cover the chicken with oil.  Add tamari.  Sprinkle chili powder into bowl.  Stir well.  You should be able to see chili powder on each piece of chicken.  Add honey.  Marinate for half an hour to several hours.

Put cashews into a saucepan and cover with water.  Bring to a boil and simmer for a couple minutes until they are soft.  Strain and set aside.

In a wok or large skillet, saute chicken on medium high heat until cooked.  Save any extra marinade that does fall into the wok.  Remove chicken and set aside.

In the same wok, saute the onions on medium high to high heat with the reserve marinade for several minutes.  Add mushrooms and continue to saute until the onions are translucent and the mushrooms are cooked.

Add chicken and cashews to wok.  Serve over brown rice.

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